On the occasion of his birthday on Feb. 16, Mark Smith took the afternoon off from work and took a long walk through the Santa Cruz mountains with his German shepherd, Copper.
They were walking along a creek, which ran through rugged terrain, when Smith heard a faint howling sound in the distance. Five-year-old Copper caught a scent and tugged Smith toward the creek, where they found an emaciated dog on the other side.
"I saw his backbone, his spine and his hips — he was completely emaciated," Smith tells PEOPLEPets.com. "It overwhelmed me at the moment to see this dog in the condition he was in. How did he get here?"
Because the dog could barely walk, Smith carried him through the creek and up the steep hill, with Copper keeping watch and directing him to the shallowest path.
When Smith made it back to civilization, he found a lost dog poster about 300 yards away. He called the number and said, "I think I found your dog."
It was Smith's neighbor Terina Held's 13-year-old black Labrador, Buck. Buck had gone missing 40 days earlier on Jan. 6, and after searches on foot and by car with no dog in sight, the Held family assumed their "Eeyore" was gone for good.
The Helds saw it as just another one of life's blows. Due to financial difficulties, the family was being forced to move out of their home, and had had to say goodbye to some of their other animals.
Buck had lost 50 lbs. during his time trapped in the creek bank, and his face had been chewed up by crawfish in the river. Thanks to Smith and Copper, their new hero and angel, Buck was back.
"I don't think a human could have lived in our woods for that period of time, especially given the storms we had," Held says. "But he's back to his old self. I don't want to let him out of my sight."

What a sad story, but with a happy ending! We hope Buck will be OK.
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
That is such an amazing story. Glad it had a happy ending. But sad he was lost for so long.
We're so happy that Buck was found!:) Pups have an amazing will to live!
Teddy Bear
What a wonderful ending to that story! Thank goodness for Mark Smith and his dog for finding him and bringing him back home. There are miracles everywhere and that definitely is one of them. Thank you for such an uplifting story. Love, Debbie and Hollydog
My of my, what a story. I am very much glad that Buck is back with his family. I am crossing my paws that his story continues to be one of miracles.
Thanks S. & F. for telling us about this dog and his TWO angles!!
What a great story!
This story started so sad.
But it did not stay sad!!
Mark was a hero for doing what needed to be done in helping little
Buck. He was a real hero.
And Buck had a heart of gold that kept him hanging on.
I am happy Bucks story has a happy ending. Yes I am very happy
What a great ending to a sad story, thanks for sharing with us!
Oh my...
That sums it up better than any other words I khould paw!
Poor pup -- so glad he was rescued.
There is no end to a dog's tenaciousness! An truly amazing story!
Lotalicks to an awesome cyber-buddy!
What an amazing story. I want to bring that dog home to care for him. That was my instinctual reaction, I know he's reunited and that's so awesome.
OMDogness - that area is fairly near where we live. What an incredible story. We are so happy to get back to blogging to find these miraculous stories here - unbelievable.
Big Hugs xo
Sammie and Ozzie and family
That's an amazing story. Miracles do happen and we're happy it happened to Buck. The happiness and relief it brought his family is precious. It is heart warming to know that good people and furry friends are there help.
-Fudgie, Princess & the Piappies
Oh my!! We hadn't heard of this story. Incredible. Although, strange about the crayfish!!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
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