Wednesday, May 27, 2009

He's big 'n he's pretty but a 9 pound cat can take him down!

Today our momma got a picture in the e-mail computer of our nephew, Cody, who is just one year-old. Time flies when youz havin' fun and Cody sure is one of those dogs that has been havin' fun. He pulls his little Golden Girl sister, Suzie, around by her collar just like she was a wet rag and mostly she is a wet rag when he's done playing wif her. He also likes ta play hide 'n seek wif his human momma and daddy...winter, summer, spring or fall, Cody is always ready up for a game of hide 'n seek.

The only time we've seen him a little bit intimidated was one day when he came here ta our house and he thought he'd skeer our Miss Camille Suzanne. Now this is a kitty-catty who thinks her cat litter doesn't smell, if you know what I mean. A couple of barks from Cody and Camille boxed his nose some good ones. Den he just sat down by his daddy all nice and pretty and was a good boy 'til it was time to go home. Miss Camille just sat there and cleaned her paws, now that the job was done. She has a gun-belt wif lots of notches on it, believe me!

Ours is a family with Goldens and German Shepherd Dogs. I don't know if the humans just copy each other or if we just happen to come around at the right time. Our momma and her son, Jeff, 'dopted the Goldens from our shelter because they really needed some good homes and boy, do all of us have good homes. The GSD's just popped up when the time was right and that was that, another dog to love and cuddle.

Wish we coulda' got a picture of Camille boppin' the snot outa Cody fur you ta see...that was funny☺fur us at least!


Bijou said...

Welcome to DWB! My brother and I look forward to leaning more about you and becoming furiends.

Some kitties are scary. Ya don't wanna be messing with them!

Wags & wiggles,

Charlie - The Big Dog said...

Hi - Your blog was added to DWB about 2 weeks ago. You are number 1268 on page 7 here:


Lorenza said...

Hi, Scout and Freiya!
Thanks for coming to visit my blog!
I tried to put your blog in my google reader but I could not do it!
Do you have RSS (this is what the reader is asking for)
Kisses and hugs