A regular morning romp through the yard turned into a nightmare for a young Chihuahua named Buster when he was suddenly attacked and taken by a wild coyote in the suburban town of Littleton, Colo. But thanks to two brave pit bull neighbors, the dog survived the frightening encounter and is on the road to a recovery.
Four-year-old Buster had just returned from his morning walk with mom Jodi Robinette on July 31, but wanted a little more play time outside. Having already checked the surroundings of her back yard, Robinette felt it safe to let Buster burn off some active energy while she kept an eye out from her living room couch. But not even 30 seconds later, Robinette was back on her feet.
"I heard him scream like I've never heard an animal scream before," Robinette tells "I instantly knew that an animal got him."
After spotting a tail turn the corner of her house, Robinette sprinted to the front of the yard and saw the coyote running off with Buster in his mouth. While Robinette was in pursuit, a pair of pit bulls were on neighborhood watch and ran toward the coyote, on a mission to rescue the poor dog from the vicious abductor. Realizing he was outnumbered, the coyote released Buster and ran off.
"The pits followed my dog underneath a bush, guarding him," Robinette recalls. "[They] lay next to him, licked him and protected him."
Robinette, a neurosurgery coordinator, wrapped the gravely injured canine in a towel and rushed him to Columbine Animal Hospital. Immediately treated for pain and shock, Buster was scheduled for surgery on Aug. 2 to repair damage to his chest wall on both sides. Dr. Lee Bregitzer performed the operation, and is happy to report that Buster is well on the road to recovery — thanks to the quick thinking of the neighboring dogs.
They were "guardian angels for her dog," Dr. Bregitzer says, "disguised as pit bulls."
Robinette has nothing but praise and gratitude for the heroic canines, who stepped in quicker than she ever could have.
"[They] were looking out for Buster's best interest against the coyote," Robinette says. "They were looking out for my dog."

That was a story that absolutely sent chill bumps down my spine!
Why don't we see more stories like this in the newspapers and on the news rather than the ones about pit bulls attacking. Finally a feel good story complimenting the breed.
Thank you many times over for this.
Well that was a happy ending. We've seen two coyotes crossing busy highways this week on our way to the dog park!
Yea for Pit Bulls. It's a good story and nice for the breed to get their day in the heroes limelight.
Horrible experience, but so nice to hear a good story about pit bulls.
Woos ~ The OP Pack
What an awful thing to happen! So glad Buster is ok! How nice of the pits to help out!
~Milly and Shelby
Great story, well done :-)
What a valiant pair of dogs! Buster is one lucky little dog!
Woo I love this story. Goes to show how awesome pits are!
This story makes me so happy. I'm so happy for Chico. Thank dogness those pit bulls were there. And it's even better that the town this happened in is right next door to Denver, where "pit bulls" are outlawed because they are assumed to be inherently vicious. I hope this story is plastered all over the Denver news.
Have a happy day,
Mayzie's Mom
We love that story!!! Definitely guardian angels!!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Aww...this is such a great story! We love to hear stories like that. Thanks for sharing.
What brave pit bulls to go after those coyotes and save the little dog.
Its bad people who are bad, not the pit bulls.
These pit bulls were just like you said,,, heros
This brought tears to my human's eyes! Thanks for sharing!
Wiggles and licks,
Brodie The Yellow Lab
Such a great story. I love a happy ending :)
Don't forget, we moved to
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