The is excited to announce the upcoming release of The Lost Dogs: Michael Vick’s Dogs and Their Tale of Rescue and Redemption by Sports Illustrated senior editor Jim Gorant (Gotham Books: September 2010; $26.00). The book covers the Vick case from beginning to end, explaining how Vick and his cohorts were caught, detailing the abysmal treatment of the animals and examining the difficult path to rehabilitation—and the ultimate triumph—of dozens of abused dogs.
Luckily, you won’t have to wait until September to learn more about The Lost Dogs—Parade magazine, which is bundled with the Sunday editions of more than 500 newspapers nationwide, is running a feature article on the book and the lives of the rescued dogs this weekend. Look for the article on Sunday, or visit Parade’s website for a sneak peek today.
During the Michael Vick investigation, the ASPCA’s forensic veterinary team, led by Dr. Melinda Merck, helped produce the evidence that led to guilty pleas. The ASPCA’s Dr. Stephen Zawistowski, Executive Vice President, and Dr. Randy Lockwood, ASPCA Senior Vice President, Forensic Sciences and Anti-Cruelty Projects, led a team of certified applied animal behaviorists in behavior evaluations of nearly 50 rescued dogs; as a result, all but one were spared euthanasia. This was an unprecedented outcome for seized fighting dogs at the time. Drs. Merck and Zawistowski are quoted extensively in Gorant’s new book.
The Lost Dogs can be preordered now on and will soon be available for purchase from the ASPCA Online Store. To learn more about the ASPCA’s involvement in the 2007 Michael Vick dog fighting case, visit the Fight Cruelty section.

Thank you for this news. It's good to know that behind such obscenity a positive story emerges.
Mom and me has been waiting for news on the release date for this book, thanks so much for spreading the word.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
50 dogs involved in the dogfighting. Isn't that a horrible thought?
Does any of the proceeds go to the ASPCA or to help stop dog fighting etc..?
Thanks for letting us know. We will check it out. lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Woof! Woof! Golden Thanks for the reminder ... will check out the book. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Yet 'HE' still doesn't think he did anything WRONG -
Another year of no football here -
Until 'HE' is out of the league, no football on this television -
Thanks for sharing this upcoming book!
I didn't realize this book was about to come out! I have enjoyed reading the success stories about some of the dogs who have made remarkable turn arounds after escaping thier life with Vick. It should be some great reading!
I already am really smitten with Morgan (in case you couldn't tell), so no apologies needed about waxing poetic! I won't ever be without the Greyhounds, but I can't imagine not having a Shepherd around, too!
We can't wait to check it out.
Teddy Bear
Thanks for the info about this book. I've been curious about what was happening now.
We will grab the Parade this Sunday and check it out.
I still want to bite that Michael Vick.
It's nice to hear that the right side will be profiting from such a horrible thing.
We wanna bite that Michael Vick too. It's wrong that he's allowed to walk free.
Rama says ugly words when she hears Vick's name!!!
Can you believe Vick's teammates voted him as recipient of Ed Block Courage Award?
Uh-oh, more ugly words...
Thanks for the book info!
Licks and sniffs to Scout and Freyja,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
Wow! Surely this will be a very interesting, yet ghastly recount.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
That was a pretty nice story... Well hopefully I can find my Chiquita, she has been missing now for 3 days, and i'm seriously going crazy... Please see my blog and maybe pass it on if you could...
We are SO excited abouts this book coming out!
I just wanted to tell you that if anybuddy orders it through the link on the BAD RAP bloggie, BAD RAP gets a portion of the proceeds from the sales to helps other bust doggies. (BAD RAP helped rehabilitate some of the Vick doggies.) The linkie is .
Wiggles & Wags,
Thanks for spreading the word about this book and for spreading the good news about the redemption of so many of these poor dogs. At least this sick story has had a much better ending than would normally be expected.
I am so very excited for this book!
Don't forget, we moved to
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