Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Power of the Paw needed to surround Saffron with angels, RIGHT AWAY!
This is Saffron. Saffron is furry and furry sick and will be leaving for heaven soon. We need to surround sweet Saffron with our paws and hold him up really high so that the very best and sweetest angels find him when it is time for him to see heaven. Please leave a message right here for sweet Saffron and his people so that they know we are right there with him and holding him close with the Power of the Paw.

Monday, August 30, 2010
Sarge, shot in the head while crated, gets 2nd chance at Best Friends Sanctuary in Utah
ToledoBlade.com Sarge will get a second chance at life, and perhaps a second chance at having a family. After being shot six times while in a cage, that's the least he deserves.
Lawrence Mick and Adam Collins are accused of taking turns shooting Sarge, Mick's German shepherd, on July 9 while the dog was caged. Mick has pleaded not guilty and Mr. Collins no-contest to several charges, including cruelty to animals. Each has said the other did the shooting.
After Sarge spent about two weeks at the Lucas County dog pound, the Toledo Area Humane Society took possession and ownership of the dog, which proceeded to bite the society's veterinarian and head dog trainer. Previously, Sarge was reported to have bitten both Mick and his girlfriend.
Sarge was evaluated by a team of veterinarians at Ohio State University who determined that he had been too aggressive for too long - perhaps as a result of chronic pain - to allow a family to adopt him. For many dogs, that would be a death sentence. But Sarge got a reprieve when a Utah animal sanctuary agreed to take him.
Soon, Sarge will be on his way to southern Utah, where he will join about 1,700 other animals at Best Friends Animal Society, a no-kill sanctuary for dogs, cats, and others, most of which have special physical or behavioral needs. The hope is that after working with the staff there, he will give up his biting and snapping ways and be adopted out to a new family. If he can't, if the trauma is too great, he will be able to live out the remainder of his life at the sanctuary.
The violence of the attack on a helpless animal in a cage shocked many people. It heightened awareness of the cruelty animals sometimes face, and garnered sympathy for a dog that under other circumstances might have been discarded as incapable of rehabilitation.
As it is, Sarge gets a new start and his alleged attackers face possible fines and jail time. That sounds like justice.

Thursday, August 26, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Gentle Great Pyrenees gunned down in Kentucky by Animal Control PLEASE SIGN PETITION
I took some photos over the weekend that I wanted to share with you but today the death of this sweet dog is front and center. PLEASE take a couple of minutes and sign the petition. He was gunned down as a citizen was begging to adopt him. What kind of a world do we live in? What kind of example do we give to our children and what has happened to our sense of goodness and morality?
Breanna Rhoades says the dog called Bugsy - the name on his collar - befriended her and other workers around the Whitley Pharmacy. When it rained recently, they saw him hunched near a dumpster for cover, so they called animal control, assuming the officer would take the dog to the shelter. Instead, Rhoades says the officer pulled out a .22 rifle, then shot the dog twice, killing it.
KYT.com When a stray dog befriended workers at some Williamsburg businesses, the animal lovers thought they were doing the dog a favor by calling animal control. They never thought their new friend would be gunned down with a shotgun by the man they called to help, but they say that's exactly what happened.
Bugsy needed a home. For days workers at the Whitley Pharmacy and surrounding businesses gave him food, but they decided the county's animal control officer could get Bugsy the help he needed. "In my mind, I'm thinking, he needs a home," Rhonda Rains, one of the workers who befriended Bugsy said, "They'll rescue him, take him to the shelter, clean him up, adopt him out. That's what I had envisioned happening."
But workers say when the animal control officer arrived, it was clear that wasn't going to be Bugsy's fate. That's when Breanna Rhoades says she pleaded with a police officer to let her have the dog. "He was like, well if you do that, you have to pay the fine because in city limits you have to have it on a chain or in a cage," Rhoades said, "I was like, well that's fine, whatever I need to do. Just don't kill the dog. Well when he's over here talking to me, the animal control guy was pulled here and shot the dog."
Williamsburg Police say they were concerned about potential danger after receiving calls that Bugsy had almost caused car crashes. "That dog was not going to hurt anybody. It was gentle, sweet as it could be. It was just scared to death," Rhoades said.
"I would never call our animal control ever again," Rains said, "Honest to God I wouldn't because I would be afraid this would happen, and I'm afraid that it's happened many times before that nobody knows about."
Rains and others who cared for Bugsy say since the his death, many have told them they would have adopted the dog if they had known he was in danger. Now some hope Bugsy's death will encourage more adoptions and animal control reforms. "I'd like to see an animal control that would actually rescue the dog, take it to the shelter. Let's try to get these dogs adopted out. Don't kill them in cold blood. That's not even humane. If you have to euthanize them because they're overpopulated, that's sad, and I hate that, but at least it's a humane way. I understand they may not can adopt every dog out, but at least give it a chance," Rains said
NEWSFIRST tried to contact the animal control officer involved in Bugsy's death, but he did not return our calls.
Breanna Rhoades says the dog called Bugsy - the name on his collar - befriended her and other workers around the Whitley Pharmacy. When it rained recently, they saw him hunched near a dumpster for cover, so they called animal control, assuming the officer would take the dog to the shelter. Instead, Rhoades says the officer pulled out a .22 rifle, then shot the dog twice, killing it.
KYT.com When a stray dog befriended workers at some Williamsburg businesses, the animal lovers thought they were doing the dog a favor by calling animal control. They never thought their new friend would be gunned down with a shotgun by the man they called to help, but they say that's exactly what happened.
Bugsy needed a home. For days workers at the Whitley Pharmacy and surrounding businesses gave him food, but they decided the county's animal control officer could get Bugsy the help he needed. "In my mind, I'm thinking, he needs a home," Rhonda Rains, one of the workers who befriended Bugsy said, "They'll rescue him, take him to the shelter, clean him up, adopt him out. That's what I had envisioned happening."
But workers say when the animal control officer arrived, it was clear that wasn't going to be Bugsy's fate. That's when Breanna Rhoades says she pleaded with a police officer to let her have the dog. "He was like, well if you do that, you have to pay the fine because in city limits you have to have it on a chain or in a cage," Rhoades said, "I was like, well that's fine, whatever I need to do. Just don't kill the dog. Well when he's over here talking to me, the animal control guy was pulled here and shot the dog."
Williamsburg Police say they were concerned about potential danger after receiving calls that Bugsy had almost caused car crashes. "That dog was not going to hurt anybody. It was gentle, sweet as it could be. It was just scared to death," Rhoades said.
"I would never call our animal control ever again," Rains said, "Honest to God I wouldn't because I would be afraid this would happen, and I'm afraid that it's happened many times before that nobody knows about."
Rains and others who cared for Bugsy say since the his death, many have told them they would have adopted the dog if they had known he was in danger. Now some hope Bugsy's death will encourage more adoptions and animal control reforms. "I'd like to see an animal control that would actually rescue the dog, take it to the shelter. Let's try to get these dogs adopted out. Don't kill them in cold blood. That's not even humane. If you have to euthanize them because they're overpopulated, that's sad, and I hate that, but at least it's a humane way. I understand they may not can adopt every dog out, but at least give it a chance," Rains said
NEWSFIRST tried to contact the animal control officer involved in Bugsy's death, but he did not return our calls.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
How our dogs are put together is absolutely fascinating
No matter how many times I watch this I am always fascinated. Now I know why my dogs make so much noise when they drink and why the floor is so wet! I need to cut them some slack☺Getting a sip of water is hard work!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
♥Never, ever let anyone give up on a dog, don't anyone dare give up♥
Mimi's note: As a former owner of a blind dog adopted from a local shelter at the age of about 5 years (now at the Bridge waiting for me) I can tell you that without a doubt blindness has nothing to do with the ability and capability of a dog. I brought Prince into a home with two other dogs. He made friends, learned where each room was, learned how to get up my steps and learned how not to run into the fence in my yard. Prince was loving and kind and sweet and taught me more about acceptance of circumstances more than any human being.
The story below was shared/reported on the web at the site of the book, A Dog's Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron
Once thought to be un-adoptable, Stevie the blind dog now assists search and rescue as a cadavar dog--and senses on-coming migraines so his person can take preventative medication.
Stevie was born in a breeding kennel in Georgia the summer of 2008 as an English Cocker field dog. It was not known to his breeder that Stevie was born blind, the story later told was that his mother got very sick during her pregnancy due to eating bad dog food and all of the puppies had some health issues. Stevie was sold to his new owners and after having him a short time realized he seemed to have trouble seeing, his eyes were checked by a vet and confirmed he was indeed blind. His owners contacted his breeder who said “well you can bring him back but I will put him to sleep he is useless to me” They didn’t want to return him but did take him to their vet to be put down. In rural Georgia where he lived a very small rescue group heard about him and a wonderful lady named Luci went to get the 12 week old blind liver Cocker. Luci realized that in her community she had no foster homes that would take on such a puppy. So she searched the internet and found the English Cocker Club of America website and contacted them for help. We indeed helped, so word went out for a foster home. Living in Florida and willing to take a foster in need my husband and I volunteered and so arrangements were made for Luci to drive half way and we would drive halfway and we would meet up to transfer the little liver blind puppy in need.
When I first met Stevie he was as normal as any dog could be, happy and playful. When he got to our home he ran with the other dogs occasionally running into things but seemed to me that he must see a little as he was very fearless. He had so much energy. Well 3 months later and no new home was found so he stayed with us. Then in December 2009 a new Foster home was a possibility with a family in St. Petersburg Florida which was just across the bay from where I lived. Marina was a vet tech, owned an older English Cocker and she and her husband fostered a larger breed as well, she also had experience as a dog trainer. So it seemed like a perfect fit. Well making a long story short Marina took him and soon fell in love with him and adopted him into her family. She keeps in touch with me sending photos of Stevie and telling me how much she loves and adores him.
Recently Marina was so proud when little Blind Stevie completed training and became a Certified Cadaver Dog. She also told me that with no training Stevie will come to warn her when she has a migraine headache coming on just in time to take medications. Evidently he continues to paw at her while in her lap. She said at first she couldn’t figure out what he wanted but soon realized shortly after she got a tremendous migraine.
Marina is a native of Spain and due to her husbands job change will be moving to the Virgin Islands and Stevie is going to of course. He is now in Barcelona Spain with her and her children visiting family. I would say little “Stevie Wonder” is indeed a Wonder Dog in his own rights.
Rescue groups like the ECSCA make it possible for dogs like Stevie to have a new beginning. It can be hard being a foster parent to these dogs but when the outcome is like his there is no better feeling in the world knowing you made a difference in this one. When I first started fostering my husband asked me if I had ever heard the story of the little boy and the starfish. There was a little boy on the beach with hundreds of starfish washed up due to a storm, the child walked and picked up one at a time and tossed them back into the water, a man watching said why are you doing that? You can't make a difference, his reply as he tossed one in the water “Well it made a difference to that one” I guess that sums it up. Stevie was one of the lucky ones and I am so thrilled we saved that one.
We recently took a new foster, he is an 8 year old blind Cocker that was in a kill shelter. We don’t expect he will be another Stevie but maybe he can give someone joy in their life even though he can’t see them.
The story below was shared/reported on the web at the site of the book, A Dog's Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron
Once thought to be un-adoptable, Stevie the blind dog now assists search and rescue as a cadavar dog--and senses on-coming migraines so his person can take preventative medication.
Stevie was born in a breeding kennel in Georgia the summer of 2008 as an English Cocker field dog. It was not known to his breeder that Stevie was born blind, the story later told was that his mother got very sick during her pregnancy due to eating bad dog food and all of the puppies had some health issues. Stevie was sold to his new owners and after having him a short time realized he seemed to have trouble seeing, his eyes were checked by a vet and confirmed he was indeed blind. His owners contacted his breeder who said “well you can bring him back but I will put him to sleep he is useless to me” They didn’t want to return him but did take him to their vet to be put down. In rural Georgia where he lived a very small rescue group heard about him and a wonderful lady named Luci went to get the 12 week old blind liver Cocker. Luci realized that in her community she had no foster homes that would take on such a puppy. So she searched the internet and found the English Cocker Club of America website and contacted them for help. We indeed helped, so word went out for a foster home. Living in Florida and willing to take a foster in need my husband and I volunteered and so arrangements were made for Luci to drive half way and we would drive halfway and we would meet up to transfer the little liver blind puppy in need.
When I first met Stevie he was as normal as any dog could be, happy and playful. When he got to our home he ran with the other dogs occasionally running into things but seemed to me that he must see a little as he was very fearless. He had so much energy. Well 3 months later and no new home was found so he stayed with us. Then in December 2009 a new Foster home was a possibility with a family in St. Petersburg Florida which was just across the bay from where I lived. Marina was a vet tech, owned an older English Cocker and she and her husband fostered a larger breed as well, she also had experience as a dog trainer. So it seemed like a perfect fit. Well making a long story short Marina took him and soon fell in love with him and adopted him into her family. She keeps in touch with me sending photos of Stevie and telling me how much she loves and adores him.
Recently Marina was so proud when little Blind Stevie completed training and became a Certified Cadaver Dog. She also told me that with no training Stevie will come to warn her when she has a migraine headache coming on just in time to take medications. Evidently he continues to paw at her while in her lap. She said at first she couldn’t figure out what he wanted but soon realized shortly after she got a tremendous migraine.
Marina is a native of Spain and due to her husbands job change will be moving to the Virgin Islands and Stevie is going to of course. He is now in Barcelona Spain with her and her children visiting family. I would say little “Stevie Wonder” is indeed a Wonder Dog in his own rights.
Rescue groups like the ECSCA make it possible for dogs like Stevie to have a new beginning. It can be hard being a foster parent to these dogs but when the outcome is like his there is no better feeling in the world knowing you made a difference in this one. When I first started fostering my husband asked me if I had ever heard the story of the little boy and the starfish. There was a little boy on the beach with hundreds of starfish washed up due to a storm, the child walked and picked up one at a time and tossed them back into the water, a man watching said why are you doing that? You can't make a difference, his reply as he tossed one in the water “Well it made a difference to that one” I guess that sums it up. Stevie was one of the lucky ones and I am so thrilled we saved that one.
We recently took a new foster, he is an 8 year old blind Cocker that was in a kill shelter. We don’t expect he will be another Stevie but maybe he can give someone joy in their life even though he can’t see them.

Friday, August 13, 2010
THE LOST DOGS - the story of Michael Vick's Pit Bulls hits shelves next month
Press release from the ASPCA newsletter.
The ASPCA.com is excited to announce the upcoming release of The Lost Dogs: Michael Vick’s Dogs and Their Tale of Rescue and Redemption by Sports Illustrated senior editor Jim Gorant (Gotham Books: September 2010; $26.00). The book covers the Vick case from beginning to end, explaining how Vick and his cohorts were caught, detailing the abysmal treatment of the animals and examining the difficult path to rehabilitation—and the ultimate triumph—of dozens of abused dogs.
Luckily, you won’t have to wait until September to learn more about The Lost Dogs—Parade magazine, which is bundled with the Sunday editions of more than 500 newspapers nationwide, is running a feature article on the book and the lives of the rescued dogs this weekend. Look for the article on Sunday, or visit Parade’s website for a sneak peek today.
During the Michael Vick investigation, the ASPCA’s forensic veterinary team, led by Dr. Melinda Merck, helped produce the evidence that led to guilty pleas. The ASPCA’s Dr. Stephen Zawistowski, Executive Vice President, and Dr. Randy Lockwood, ASPCA Senior Vice President, Forensic Sciences and Anti-Cruelty Projects, led a team of certified applied animal behaviorists in behavior evaluations of nearly 50 rescued dogs; as a result, all but one were spared euthanasia. This was an unprecedented outcome for seized fighting dogs at the time. Drs. Merck and Zawistowski are quoted extensively in Gorant’s new book.
The Lost Dogs can be preordered now on Amazon.com and will soon be available for purchase from the ASPCA Online Store. To learn more about the ASPCA’s involvement in the 2007 Michael Vick dog fighting case, visit the Fight Cruelty section.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
I admit it - I cried - I cried watching a cartoon + Senate news re: funding for rural veterinarians
I cried - can't help it - I cried. As someone who has done years of shelter volunteer and rescue work I know the severe need for people to see beyond the gray and the limp and into the eyes of the soul of the older dog and cat. They have so much to give if you will only find it in your ♥ to receive.
Patrick McDonnell has teamed up with award-winning master animator Paul Fierlinger to create a series of six animated Public Service Announcement spots which advocate the adoption of cats and dogs for The Shelter Pet Project. Pet Connection writer Christie Keith, who also does work for The Shelter Pet Project, says her favorite is the PSA called Shemp, which urges the adoption of "more mature" dogs.
In addition, I would like to share with you more great news for animals contained in a bill sponsored by Senator Al Franken:
The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) applauds U.S. Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.), for co-sponsoring the Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program Enhancement Act (S. 3621).
The bipartisan legislation will help the country address a critical shortage of veterinarians serving our rural areas by making the Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program (VMLRP) tax-exempt, thereby increasing the number of veterinarians who can participate in the program. The act would also apply to similar state programs that encourage veterinarians to practice in underserved communities.
“In Minnesota, there are 15 counties with more than 5,000 food animals that currently have no food animal veterinarian; six of those counties have more than 25,000 food animals,” says Sen. Franken. “Removing the federal taxes on the Veterinary Medical Loan Repayment Program lets more money go to the veterinarians who safeguard our food supply, ensure animal health and welfare and prevent disease.”
Rather than awarding the full funding for this program each year, the current form of the VMLRP requires that 39 percent of the money it receives be returned to the U.S. Treasury as a federal tax, unlike its counterpart program for human medicine, the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program.
“By making the Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program tax-exempt, we will be sending more veterinarians into areas around the country that lack professionals possessing critical expertise in animal care, food safety and public health,” said Dr. Ron DeHaven, chief executive officer of the AVMA. “If the Johnson-Crapo bill passes, it will remove the program’s tax burden, allowing enough additional funds to provide one additional veterinarian for every three veterinarians currently scheduled to receive awards. These additional veterinarians in underserved areas would go a long way to further protect our nation’s food supply and public health.”
“Communities in rural America depend on the health of their livestock for their livelihood, but many have no practicing veterinarian,” Johnson said. “The demand is only expected to increase by double digits over the next six years alone. This bill will make it easier to bring more veterinarians to these underserved areas and meet this demand.”
“The shortage of veterinarians in the U.S. is acute,” Crapo said, “with 1,300 counties throughout the country with less than one food animal veterinarian per 25,000 farm animals. This matters to more than just livestock and agricultural producers. It limits disease surveillance and response as well as animal welfare, and affects the economy. In Idaho alone, nearly half of our counties are in designated shortage areas. This legislation will help alleviate the shortage of veterinarians and maximize the program through addressing the tax treatment of program assistance.”
Nationwide, there are 500 counties that have at least 5,000 farm animals but no veterinarians in the area to treat them. This shortage could have dire consequences on human and animal health, public safety, animal welfare, disease surveillance and economic development. The demand for veterinarians across the United States could increase by 14 percent by 2016.
Other U.S. Senators co-sponsoring the legislation are Sam Brownback, R-Kan.; Michael Bennet, D-Colo.; Thad Cochran, R-Miss.; Byron Dorgan, D-N.D.; Al Franken, D-Minn.; Tom Harkin, D-Iowa; Mike Johanns, R-Neb.; Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.; Jim Risch, R-Idaho; Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich. (thanks, Debbie); and Olympia Snowe, R-Maine.
The Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program Enhancement Act already has the support of 123 animal, agricultural and veterinary medicine organizations nationwide.

Monday, August 9, 2010
♥Maryland Votes for Animals♥ plans Bear-Bear tribute
Please grab the code for the sidebar button on your right. This dog should never have died. It is up to US to ensure that he has NOT died in vain!
Maryland Votes for Animals, a policical action group dedicated to pushing for better animal laws in Maryland, has made room at it's Humane Scorecard party tonight, to pay tribute to Bear-Bear.
Chairwoman Carolyn Kilborn told Unleashed that Bear-Bear's owner Ryan Rettaliata and his attorney will be at the event. There're considering a moment of silence for Bear-Bear.
The event, will be from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m at Yellowfin Restaurant located at 2840 Solomons Island Road in Edgewater. Tickets are $20 at the door.
The organization will be annoucing the results for their legislative scorecard, how they rank Maryland legistlators based on how they voted recently on animal issues. Eight Maryland legislators will be honored with Humane Legislative Champion Awards.
The event will feature Mike Markarian, President of the Humane Society Legislative Fund.
Attendees will have the opportunity to meet state politicians and voice their concerns about the state of animal cruelty in Maryland.The Bear-Bear situation is sure to be a big topic....

Saturday, August 7, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
MORE HERO Pit Bulls in the News! Friends are friends in good times and in bad
Brains earned her name after leading Brawn, an emaciated male pit bull with a 20 lb. chain wrapped around his neck, through a busy intersection in downtown West Palm Beach, Fla.
"They seemed to be friends," David Walesky of Palm Beach County Animal Care and Control tells PEOPLEPets.com. "She was nudging him, telling him to get out of the road. They were crossing traffic. He was worn out and she was in front of him saying, 'Let's get across this together. I'm waiting for you, buddy—let's go.' "
On June 14, two construction workers spotted the skinny orange male pup, who weighed about 40 lbs, stumbling as he tried to maneuver his way through a busy street. When Brawn stumbled, Brains, a black pit bull mix (above), waited for him.
"She was giving him encouragement and getting him through traffic," says Walesky. "He was up and moving, but it is difficult to drag that heavy of a chain."
The construction workers scooped up the dogs and brought them to a nearby animal shelter. Soon, Kay-Lynette Roca, founder of Safe Harbor Animal Sanctuary heard of their plight, and immediately called to inquire about them.
"I asked for the dogs because they were going to put them down," says Roca. "It's so crappy for them to survive all of that and [then be euthanized]. They have gone through too much, they're obviously friends, and we are the only shelter in South Florida that takes pit bulls."
So on Tuesday, off Brains and Brawn went to the Jupiter, Fla., sanctuary, which never euthanizes animals. "They're settling in very nicely," says Roca. "They're doing very well; they need to put some weight on."
The pair are now resting comfortably together at the sanctuary's state-of-the-art, charitable veterinary hospital, where Brawn is being treated for heartworms. Next stop: the sanctuary's newly-opened, 28-acre ranch in Palm City, where they'll "acclimate and chill out," Roca says.
The West Palm Beach neighborhood in which dogs were found is known as a breeding ground for fight dogs, Roca says. "A lot of these guys will put weights and chains around their neck to build up muscles."
Roca believes Brains and Brawn broke loose from the same abusive situation. "They seem to know one another," she says. "She is protective of him, and she seems to be the leader." Thankfully, the pair don't show any aggression to other dogs or to humans. "They're very sweet," she adds. "We see no problems with them."
These best friends will now remain so forever, as they'll only be adopted out to a family willing to take both. Roca promises: "I will absolutely make sure they stay together."
If you would like information on how to adopt Brains and Brawn, or make a donation for their medical care, call (561) 747-5311 or visit the sanctuary's website.

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