PLEASE run as quick as you can over to Petey's Playhouse. Petey's kitty brofur, Mica, is going to heaven this afternoon and his momma would like all of us to join paws and ♥s to be with them in spirit - to express our solidarity. Even sometimes when we know that we are doing the furry best thing for someone we l♥ve it is still one of this life's most difficult things to endure.
Rest in peace, Mica. You were loved dearly and gave much love to your fambly. No greater legacy can be left on earth by man or beast.

Furry well pawed -
I know my mom has said the same things to Mica and Petey's mom in the past few days -
When I told The Doggy Nanny how old Mica was she went WOW - and we thought about all of the things that happen in a human life in that timeframe -
PeeEssWoo: We decided our the stuff we were going to post on Thursday khould wait so I blogged about Mica...
Woof! Woof! We will ... Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Thank you fur telling us - we are going over there right now. We'll be back - Momma has been crazy bizzy and not around too much - she oughtta be fired!
Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon
That is so sorry to hear :(
We just lefts from there blog. We didn't know them but we left a message to them.
I'm sure Mica's family will be so pleased withs all da outpouring of support and love.
That is such sad news. We will go right over.
Teddy Bear
We have thought about them all day long. It's so sad.
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I ran as fast as I could , and left some love for Mica's family.
It is so hard to say goodbye.
I went over and read about Mica and it aches my heart.. it is just too much..
I feel so much for Mica's family and I hope they can find some comfort in this time of loss and sorrow -
What a lovely tribute. We just came from paying our respects at Petey's blog.
Nubbin' wiggles,
Run free, Mica. You're definitely missed!!!
What a beautiful tribute. We will go over now. Run free in the wind and have fun Mica. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Run free, Mica... run free.
Licks, hero
I didn't tell her but I lit a candle for Micah.
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