If you EVER had any doubt that big oil was ruthless and without feeling and unscrupulous and without morality - LISTEN to this video! Excuse ME BP! We'd like our wetlands back and our clean sand back and our wildlife back and our turtles back and our shrimp back and our fish back and WE'D LIKE OUR LIFE BACK, TOO!
I live in Michigan not on the Gulf Coast, but this horrid and disgusting and lawless and immoral event harms ALL of us - ALL of us - we are citizens of the world. I have absolutely NO words to adequately express my grief and anger toward big oil and BP. My heart aches, not only for the wildlife but for the citizens of the Gulf Coast and for my grandchildren and for their unborn children that may never, ever see what I did when I lived in the south on the Gulf Coast. It may by gone forever and that means forever, not just for a really long time.

Just when you think you've heard all the stupid lines, he spews this -
I'm still shaking my head -
Grrr. This is why you plan to fail. In nursing, I envision the worst thing that could happen to my patients on my shift according to their diagnoses and then am proactive in avoiding that scenario. People lost lives on that rig. He can have his life back in maybe 200 years. Wuss - and BP didn't even have a plan for a major disaster!!!!
Uchhhcchhhhhh! Do you subscribe to "Bruce's Paws?" Check this out: http://brucethecat.blogspot.com/2010/06/oliviaa-remarkable-little-girl.html - just amazing. I'm trying not to boil over because this is such a hot topic with me, but man, does this little girl strike a home run. Unbelievable! And your post made my blood boil... again!!! I'm am so HBO'd!!!
Mimi, I know you are angry and I feel exactly the same as you. We mustn't forget though that WE ALL shirk and sidestep the scars we personally make on this beautiful planet...We are ALL responsible for the destruction we see around us. Let's give some examples:
* Like that little bit of dental floss which birds inadvertently hang themselves with when they try to line their nests..
*Like the fishing hooks which are left in the rocks on our beaches which land up in the gullets of seaguls...
*Like the selection of washing powders, soaps and shower gels we use which serve to destroy our rivers...
*Like the electricity which increases our carbon footprint.
* Like the purchase of artifacts which contain animal products eg porcupine quills (you don't think they were gathered do you?)
I can go on forever! These little things add up into large mass destruction too.
The point I am making is that ALL OF US contribute in some way to this mess! None of us are without fault! How do we stop it? I have no idea.
Perhaps our habit of continually ignoring OUR OWN contribution to this destruction is tantamount to also 'Just saying sorry'. Are we really making a difference in the way we live our lives? Even this computer we are using might one day lie as dead waste...
Who is prepare to give up the internet?
It's just a thought.
Some people never learn!
Teddy Bear
This is annoying, for sure, but we think Michael Vick was worse.
Agreed! And just when you think he couldn't get more ignorant, he opens his mouth again!
As we pawed on the cat blog -- his words made our mom furious too -- insensitive, tone deaf, callous -- just what we need when a whole way of life for humans and animals is being extinguished through his company's incompetence.
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
It's so sad that they are so many irresponsible and igmorant people out there : (
I heard that on the news and just sat here silent wondering if he had a brain at all. He wants HIS life back? I'm sure all of the fish and animals that are losing their lives would like to have their lives back. I'm sure the people in the gulf would love to have their life back. They can't just turn around and walk away like he is going to try and do. Everytime I see this on the news, it has gotten worse and I pray that somehow they get it to stop before it's just too late for everybody. So much has been destroyed already. And he wants HIS life back. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
I am angry and sad that this happened. I grew up in FL on the gulf coast and know that my family will be forever affected by this. But I agree with MAXMOM, we all do things to the environment. I think he said something very stupid for sure. I'm not ready to vote for putting our nation at the mercy of the middle east, though, for our oil needs.
This is a catastrophe and the people of the gulf coast need our support, for sure.
Woof! Woof! Totally understand. My family were discussing this topic over the weekend with friends visiting fro overseas. It is really sad to know that in reality it will never be the same ... gone forever. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
What WAS he thinking?
How about all the poor animals that are dead now because of this...I bet THEY would like their lives back too!
Scout and Fweyja
I am in total agweement wif you. so vewy sad and so outwaged at the stoopidity and gweed and selfishness.
sad smoochie kisses
what a mess and it gets worse by the day. So sad
Benny & Lily
I can't tell you how I feel about this...you wouldn't be able to post my comment...
Our poor planet!
My little ocean friends that live in the sea,,,, i am praying for them.
Yes.. that really made my stomach hurt.. I am so sad about the entire situation..We need to stand up for the rights of our planet.. she cannot stand up for herself.
Licks from me..
Unbelievable isn't it? The poor thing needs his bottle and blankie.
The nerve is all I can say. Consider the source. The poor and weak are always the ones to suffer the most.
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