I have it on good reference that you are furry fond of holes in the dirt. With your wishes and desires in mind I made it my PURRsonal mission to dig some of my best holes just for you, dear Tammy-Girl. (Momma had put a wooden box in the middle of the hole to stop me from completing my task; however, for the benefit of this photo she obliged my plea to take an image for you without the distraction of the ugly, wooden box. I think she put it back again...sigh.)
This hole is strategically placed, and with a slight grading to the soil, to fool humans into thinking that it isn't furry deep; however, it has a way of sneaking up on the momma wearing tennis shoes which sometimes causes a stumble and a trip and a few muttered words being mumbled on the way to the gate and into the garage. (She always says that she is going to fill it in but she knows that I'll just do a little more excavating if she does. I think I overheard her on the phone ordering some yellow flags and orange cones from the city street department - snicker-snicker.)
This is one of my finest works, Tammy-Girl, and dug with you and I in mind. It is next to the foundation of our house and under the bushes that have big pickers. The big pickers did not deter me from my craft-work for I am a brave retriever with a ♥ of gold!
You and I could snuggle in there and hide from Freyja (little sisfurs are bothersome) and jump out at unsuspecting folks walking by - bark-bark-bark, woof, woof, woof, WOO-HOO! I just bet that if they are carrying bags filled with delightful food-ables they would fly high into the air and we might nab some ham and cheese and crackers for a snack as they fell to the ground! Just you and me - under the bushes, next to the house, in the cool dirt, snacking and nibbling on treats that fell from the sky☺NOM, NOM, NOM! Pure bliss, I tell you, pure bliss☺
Lest you believe that these are the only holes I have prepared to offer you, Tammy-Girl, I am always busy sniffing and snootering out more places to place my man-dog paws - clawing the earth to the sides and behind and into the air - willy-nilly and with wild abandon - just for YOU and only YOU for I am a loyal retriever with a golden ♥.
Needless to say, I am wriggling and waggling with anticipation and excitement hoping that you will accept these humble offerings I have made with you in mind, Tammy-Girl. If you would like deeper or larger excavations, please let me know, as I am always open to communication regarding the improvement of my craft.
Momma always tells me that I have gentle eyes and a kind face. I am hoping, dear Tammy-Girl that you find my face and eyes pleasing to your ♥ and that you will allow me to dig larger and deeper and more numerous holes for you this entire summer and fall here in Michigan.
When my summer is over and when hole digging season has closed for another year, I shall leave my home here in the far north of Michigan and will make my way to South Africa to winter-over with you, sweet Tammy-Girl. That is - if someone would unlock the gate so I could get out!
I remain your humble servant and fond admirer, Mr. Scout da 'triever of Michigan, USA.

Those are mighty fine holes you dug for your Tammy girl.. I am sure she will realy appreciate those.. Keep up the good work.. Hugs GJ xx
We have some of the same holes in our backyard, but they are not very new, so I wouldn't want to give them as gifts!
Mr Scout
I think maybe you are the best whole digger in the U.S of A.
I don't see how Tammy Girl could ever resist your offer regarding hole digging.
I am wondering if you really have your heart set on snuggling with the girl??
I never thought of impressing someone with my hole digging.
I would guess the S. Africa gates will swing open and you might get to meet the gal.
Nice job on those holes Scout, nice job
That is such a kind thing for you to do Scout! I'm sure Tammy Girl will be very happy :)
Emma Rose
That is so sweet of you.
Scout, you have dug some mighty fine looking holes for dear Tammy girl!! We are quite impressed with your dedication and your digging with your entire body and heart! We have no doubt that you might dig all the way to South Africa. You are the best! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Woof! Woof! Tammy-girl must be giggling. How sweet of you. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
What a kind and sweet face you do have sir. I'm sure that Tammy will be impressed. We glad you made such thoughtful gifts for our friends in S. Africa
We think we sniff a romance in the making here:)
Thanks for your nice words on Africa's post.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
What a very very sweet thing for you to do. I know Tammy Girl will love it!:)
Teddy Bear
Scout, I had no idea you were an artist. And a furry, furry sweet and kind one, which is pretty unusual, too.
wags, Lola
Hi, Scout!
I am sure Tammy is going to love your gifts! I know you made them thinking of her!
Kisses and hugs
Oh Scout, you sweetheart!
How thoughtful of you to dig these great holes for Tammy Girl.
That's very sweet of you, Scout and I'm sure Tammy Girl is very happy to know that.
Licks, hero
Oh, those holes are just fabulous! I am completely impressed. You, my friend, are an artisan of hole digging! I bow to your talents!
What pawsome gifts, Scout! Tammy Girl sure will be very impressed!
Dear Mr Scout,
Firstly let me say, it is so wonderful to see your pictures up on your blog! Tell your Momma - THANK YOU! - I love to see you and your siblings and you are a very handsome lad!
Now...I must say a big thank you for your carefully thought out offerings. Yes, I do love holes, but it's always nice to dig them with someone else! I can't wait for you to pop up on my front lawn...like a mole (mmm...:)) That should be fun!
Also...do you like birds? I LOVE birds...I mean, CHASING them!? I could teach you. You look like such a gentle soul and at least you don't have drool like Maxdog! I'm sure you share your toys too, so perhaps you can teach me to play?
Anyway, thank you so much for a pawsome post! You are a true gentleman!
Some pup is smitten by Tammy Girl!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Such a bootiful girl!
That's very sweet of you, Scout and I'm sure Tammy Girl would love it a lot!
What very beautiful gifts Scout!!! It looks like you made a very good impression on Miss Tammy!!
We think you two make a wonderful couple.
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Bilbo and Jacob
Ah! Quite cute there my friend! Sweet notions :)
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Wonderful gift!!! you are really a caring friend!!!
Bau bau kisses
Lucille - the italian great dane!!!
What a sweet and caring post. You really moved us. I also wanted to thank you on the very encouraging comment about the upcoming kittens. Our mom sure needed it because she's a bit nervous. Thank you so much!
Twinkie and her mom
Love your gentle sweet eyes Scout.. :) that's a mighty sweet post you left for Tammy-Girl :)
We sniffed our way here too from Sue's side :D Nice to meet you and Freyja!
mr. scout,
as a young labradude and fellow hole digging enthusiast, can i just say that you totally rock!! you dug some super excellent holes for miss tammy girl!! you are such a thoughtful and kind dude, and i know miss tammy girl will just love your pressies!
the booker man
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