Savannah Leigh, 1993 - 2007
You left and forgot to tell my heart how to live without you. ~author unknown
Tony, 1985-1997
dog of my heart, dog of my soul, dog of my life
A MUST read for everyone
Friendship isn't about who you have known the longest, but about who came and never left your side~unknown
The last words of a very intelligent dog
Before I go, I just want to remind all you pups and kitties to always have plenty of love for your humans even if they might be grumpy. Sometimes they get caught up in all sorts of things and take us for granted. That doesn't mean they don't love and need us. Also you humans, remember why you have us around. If you are feeling stressed out, pet us. It's been proven to lower your blood pressure. Also keep lots of treats handy. And for everyone, enjoy life. Always take time for walks, frisbee and CAR RIDES.
And one last thing for you humans. If you are considering adding another dog to your home, think about giving one of older dogs a chance. We don't chew up your shoes, pee inside (well, not unless we really can't help it) or need lots of training. Plus you will have a very loyal friend for the rest of our lives. ~Domi, the therapy dog, 1996-2009
This illustrated story is written about a little street cat in Asia for the benefit of all street cats. Once you've read, and been touched by this gentle tale of a little kitten in Asia, if you feel moved by the plight of these adorable animals, please follow the icons to the site where you can make a small donation. Remember, even a dollar makes a difference because many dollars add up.
Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the master's table." - Matt 15:27
Your mama loves you so much. She knows what is IMPORTANT! I think your day sounded SWELL, and fun!
I also got to go with mommy in her baby truck to the farm store to get 20 bags of pellets for the pellet stove. We got to drive 35 miles away, and it was fun! The windows were down just a little.
I got to go into the farm store. Then mommy bought some blueberrys, and she spilled them and I was so happy- cause I got to eat them.
Your day, was fun as mine.
We got special chew treats this afternoon, and tonight we had spaghetti on our dinner.
I took mine fur a walk...
and I let her get a pizza fur dinner so I khould have some of the bones!
Now, I'm letting her relax whilst I visit some blogs!
She's a good pet - I think I'll keep her!
Thank you for telling us Scout
Benny & Lily
You got such a good mummy!!! We're gonna go tell our mummy that she needs to do more stuff with us!!
I thought it was Love your dog day, not spoil your dog rotten day BOL You, we are all so lucky. Among us furiends, it's National Love your Dog Day EVERY DAY, and every day, I am grateful for that.
I thought that was every day! :-D
Your mom did a grrreat job of loving you today. I let my mom brush me for 87 mins.. While I watched the Olympics. Now I think I'm gonna let her fix me some snacks.
Face it Scout and Freyja... It is tough being a two legger.
we celebrate that every day :)
Yes! We are very luck to celebrate Love Your Pet Day everyday, right?
I had a great day with my mom too!
Kisses and hugs
We cooked ham today, too. It's already Sunday, but we may as well celebrate anyway!
Hi there Scout and Freyja,
So sweet of your mom to treat you extra special today. We wonder if Mommy knew about this day for she gave all of us a bath. Hmmm... does that count as celebration?
We hope she has treats to surprise us with later.
-Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar & the Piappies
We had no idea. We had our Mommy put it on the calendar for next year. It sounds like you had pawfect day!
Teddy Bear
Everyday is Love Your Pet Day in our house. Erin & Buck rule the roost over here! BTW, I did respond to your email. Wasn't sure if you got it or not.
We are pretty much Love your Sam all year around!
Sounds like you guys had a wonderful time!! Hollydog got a special visit from her best friend yesterday, got lots of treats and ran in the back yard and sat in the sun. Ended the evening with a Busy Bone. Hugs, Debbie and Hollydog
Hey there sweet friends
You are right...everyday is love your pet day in our household.
Today we got to lie on the cool grass with our Mom giving us lots of loving strokes.
Yep! Everyday is love your babies day!!! We get lots of hugs and kisses everyday!!! Love, Joey and Kealani
Hello Scout 'n Freyja!!
THANKS for stopping by my blog and for leaving a comment!! I've enjoyed my visit to your blog, and feel the same way you do about some of the "issues" you've talked about on your blog--It looks like you both are also having some fun, so I'll look forward to following you and getting know you a bit better! :-)
Shh..my mom thinks EVERY day is love your pet day! :)
Scout - You're so loved that you don't need a special day for it!!!!
We went for a walk on the beach with my friends Tansy an Peter and had livercake treats.
Momma totally missed love your pets day. I will have to have her make up for it tomorrow.
Beth told me everyday is love your pet day....but you already know that. Thanks for being my friend.
I actually had no idea. Good thing we loved them yesterday! :)
Sounds like you had a good day!
Well, after reading what you did we're all sitting here wishing we was youse guys.
Everyday in Bumpass Land is pamper your pet day.
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