Savannah Leigh, 1993 - 2007
You left and forgot to tell my heart how to live without you. ~author unknown
Tony, 1985-1997
dog of my heart, dog of my soul, dog of my life
A MUST read for everyone
Friendship isn't about who you have known the longest, but about who came and never left your side~unknown
The last words of a very intelligent dog
Before I go, I just want to remind all you pups and kitties to always have plenty of love for your humans even if they might be grumpy. Sometimes they get caught up in all sorts of things and take us for granted. That doesn't mean they don't love and need us. Also you humans, remember why you have us around. If you are feeling stressed out, pet us. It's been proven to lower your blood pressure. Also keep lots of treats handy. And for everyone, enjoy life. Always take time for walks, frisbee and CAR RIDES.
And one last thing for you humans. If you are considering adding another dog to your home, think about giving one of older dogs a chance. We don't chew up your shoes, pee inside (well, not unless we really can't help it) or need lots of training. Plus you will have a very loyal friend for the rest of our lives. ~Domi, the therapy dog, 1996-2009
This illustrated story is written about a little street cat in Asia for the benefit of all street cats. Once you've read, and been touched by this gentle tale of a little kitten in Asia, if you feel moved by the plight of these adorable animals, please follow the icons to the site where you can make a small donation. Remember, even a dollar makes a difference because many dollars add up.
Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the master's table." - Matt 15:27
What a face, bet ol' Wally was a great dog! Lordy...it's hard to lose 'em!
Goodbye, dear Wally.♥ May you always run free in fields of green and under the warm sun.♥
We are very sad too.
Wally was a pawesome friend.
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Rest in Peace, Wally. We didn't know you, but based on all the love you're receiving in blog land, you must have been special.
A furry special khanine
With not only a special heart
But a furry special outlook on how the world SHOULD be
Thanks fur such a nice tribute to him -
So sad, so many pups leaving us or very sick. Loving us can be hard but so worth it. I know Papa Ricca is looking out for all our friends at the bridge.
We could stayn here al day just listening to the music.
I am lighting speical candles for Wally and for the special family that loved him so.
Wally must have been one amazing dog - everyone seems to have known him!
RIP Wally.
I know! The DWB community luvs & will really miss our Wally! Run free & have wallyfunballs time..
Thank you for thinking of our brother. It means a lot to us to hear from all his friends.
The Sheps with Pep
So much sadness.
Run free dear Wally in the land of the Rainbow Bridge. You will always be loved. Give Alex, Hobo, Bingo, Trigger and Phoenix a kiss from me when you see them. He'll show you around. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family on their loss of Wally.
Heavy hearts theses days. Wally will be dearly missed.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
We are sorry we did not know Wally - we know how special he was though from all the wonderful tributes we have read across the blogs.
This too was a lovely tribute to clearly a wonderful dog.
Martha & Bailey xxx
Very lovely tribute to Wally.
Beautiful post - very fitting, he was a great boy.
Always makes me sad to hear about the loss of a pet. RIP Wally. :(
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