정황상 제주도에서 개들을 훔쳐 나가는 트럭인것 같지만, 피해자가 없는 이상 조사가 쉽지 않다고 하네요.
[Urgent] S. Koreans: Do you know anyone of these dogs?
Given the circumstances, looks like a truck smuggling stolen pets out of Jeju Island but without a victim, investigation is unlikely.
제주여행을 마치고 돌아오시던 여객선에 탑승하신 분이 직접 목격하시고 제공해주신 사진입니다.
너무 비참한 상황이지만, 꼭 자세히 보시고 제주도 사시는 분들 중 최근 개를 잃어버리거나 도둑맞으신 분 있다면 꼭 적극적으로 신고해주세요.
This is a cruise ship traveling from Jeju Island to Mokpo last Saturday evening. A vacationer coming back from vacation in Jeju Island took these photos and provided to KARA. This is a horrific situation but please take a look and if you know someone who lost their pet dogs recently, please contact us immediately.
일단 주인을 찾는 것이 급선무입니다.
The fact that a cruise ship loaded a dog truck without any sanction can not be overlooked. But the urgent matter is to find an owner.
카라 사무국 02.3482.0999
If you find your dog or if you know these dogs, please contact KARA Office at 02.3482.0999 or info@ekara.org

St.Bernard, Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, Jindo dog, Great Pyrenees, Husky and even the Yorkshire Terrier is seen.

Golden Retriever and Great Pyrenees.
골디는 좌측 눈 아래 작은 검정 혹이 있다고 해요.
Goldie had a small black tumor underneath his/her left eye.

Vomiting from exhaustion. Must be in a lot of pain. He was biting the wire cage.
제보자께서 차량 번호와 운전자 얼굴 사진을 다 확보하고 계십니다.
애써 외면하지 마시고, 제주도에서 개를 잃어버리거나 도둑맞으신 분들,
관련 차량을 보시거나 행방을 아시는 분 등.
적극적인 제보 부탁드려요.
The witness asked the driver if these dogs were stolen and the driver refused to talk. The witness obtained the vehicle license number and the driver’s photo.
Please don’t look away. If you lost your dog in Jeju, know this vehicle or the whereabouts of these dogs, please contact us with information.
We want to save even one dog. Call KARA office with information at 02.3482.0999.