Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Friday, February 8, 2013
♥Please cross your paws in PURRayer for darling Remington Steal♥
Our hearts are unbelievably sad to find out that a friend of ours is now 'fighting the good fight'. Please put your paws together in PURRayer for Remington. It goes without saying that he is too young to be facing the completion of his Circle of Life.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
♥Mango, larger than life, gone too soon♥
Mango Relentlessly Huge
May 4th 2005 - September 26, 2012
You may have already read about the untimely passing of dear, funny and much-loved Mango of Mango and Dexter's Great Adventures. Mango was a huge presence in the world of dog blogging for many more reasons than his size. It is with great sorrow that we add our names to those who mourn.
Mango, sometimes the very best leave us too soon, completing their Circle of Life before what mortals consider to be 'their time'. You are counted among them. Your star will shine bright in the midnight sky. Tonight Scout, Freyja and I will seek out your star and will remember you with great fondness.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Friday, August 10, 2012
This says it all - perfectly
Monday, July 23, 2012
S. Korean dogs stolen and on their way to a dinner table or coat collar near you
I am not fond of any culture - any - that takes an animal that serves mankind with love and loyalty only to serve it up on a restaurant dinner plate or to put its pelt on a coat collar. The Asian culture, to me, is vile and has no redemptive qualities. If you don't agree with me, that is your right, I respect that. I have the right to find ALL of the Asian countries barbaric and without morality of any kind.

골든 리트리버와 그레이트 피레니즈입니다.
Golden Retriever and Great Pyrenees.
골디는 좌측 눈 아래 작은 검정 혹이 있다고 해요.
Goldie had a small black tumor underneath his/her left eye.

탈진으로 구토를 심하게 한 아이. 고통스러운지 철근을 물고 있다고 하네요.
Vomiting from exhaustion. Must be in a lot of pain. He was biting the wire cage.
[긴급] 이 개들의 주인 안계신가요?
정황상 제주도에서 개들을 훔쳐 나가는 트럭인것 같지만, 피해자가 없는 이상 조사가 쉽지 않다고 하네요.
[Urgent] S. Koreans: Do you know anyone of these dogs?
Given the circumstances, looks like a truck smuggling stolen pets out of Jeju Island but without a victim, investigation is unlikely.
정황상 제주도에서 개들을 훔쳐 나가는 트럭인것 같지만, 피해자가 없는 이상 조사가 쉽지 않다고 하네요.
[Urgent] S. Koreans: Do you know anyone of these dogs?
Given the circumstances, looks like a truck smuggling stolen pets out of Jeju Island but without a victim, investigation is unlikely.
토요일 저녁 제주에서 목포항으로 가는 여객선입니다.
제주여행을 마치고 돌아오시던 여객선에 탑승하신 분이 직접 목격하시고 제공해주신 사진입니다.
너무 비참한 상황이지만, 꼭 자세히 보시고 제주도 사시는 분들 중 최근 개를 잃어버리거나 도둑맞으신 분 있다면 꼭 적극적으로 신고해주세요.
This is a cruise ship traveling from Jeju Island to Mokpo last Saturday evening. A vacationer coming back from vacation in Jeju Island took these photos and provided to KARA. This is a horrific situation but please take a look and if you know someone who lost their pet dogs recently, please contact us immediately.
제주여행을 마치고 돌아오시던 여객선에 탑승하신 분이 직접 목격하시고 제공해주신 사진입니다.
너무 비참한 상황이지만, 꼭 자세히 보시고 제주도 사시는 분들 중 최근 개를 잃어버리거나 도둑맞으신 분 있다면 꼭 적극적으로 신고해주세요.
This is a cruise ship traveling from Jeju Island to Mokpo last Saturday evening. A vacationer coming back from vacation in Jeju Island took these photos and provided to KARA. This is a horrific situation but please take a look and if you know someone who lost their pet dogs recently, please contact us immediately.
여객선에서 이런 개트럭을 아무런 제재없이 태웠다는 점 또한 간과할 수 없는 부분입니다.
일단 주인을 찾는 것이 급선무입니다.
The fact that a cruise ship loaded a dog truck without any sanction can not be overlooked. But the urgent matter is to find an owner.
일단 주인을 찾는 것이 급선무입니다.
The fact that a cruise ship loaded a dog truck without any sanction can not be overlooked. But the urgent matter is to find an owner.
보시고 견주되시는 분이나, 이런 상황을 아시는 분의 제보 꼭 부탁드립니다.
카라 사무국 02.3482.0999
If you find your dog or if you know these dogs, please contact KARA Office at 02.3482.0999 or info@ekara.org
세인트 버나드, 레브라도 리트리버, 골든 리트리버, 진돗개, 그레이트 피레니즈, 허스키 등 뿐 아니라. 요크셔테리어 등의 소형견들도 눈에 띄었다고 합니다.
St.Bernard, Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, Jindo dog, Great Pyrenees, Husky and even the Yorkshire Terrier is seen.
카라 사무국 02.3482.0999
If you find your dog or if you know these dogs, please contact KARA Office at 02.3482.0999 or info@ekara.org

St.Bernard, Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, Jindo dog, Great Pyrenees, Husky and even the Yorkshire Terrier is seen.

Golden Retriever and Great Pyrenees.
골디는 좌측 눈 아래 작은 검정 혹이 있다고 해요.
Goldie had a small black tumor underneath his/her left eye.

Vomiting from exhaustion. Must be in a lot of pain. He was biting the wire cage.
운전기사들에게 훔친 개가 아니냐 물었으나 회피하며 대화 거부했다고 하네요
제보자께서 차량 번호와 운전자 얼굴 사진을 다 확보하고 계십니다.
애써 외면하지 마시고, 제주도에서 개를 잃어버리거나 도둑맞으신 분들,
관련 차량을 보시거나 행방을 아시는 분 등.
적극적인 제보 부탁드려요.
The witness asked the driver if these dogs were stolen and the driver refused to talk. The witness obtained the vehicle license number and the driver’s photo.
Please don’t look away. If you lost your dog in Jeju, know this vehicle or the whereabouts of these dogs, please contact us with information.
제보자께서 차량 번호와 운전자 얼굴 사진을 다 확보하고 계십니다.
애써 외면하지 마시고, 제주도에서 개를 잃어버리거나 도둑맞으신 분들,
관련 차량을 보시거나 행방을 아시는 분 등.
적극적인 제보 부탁드려요.
The witness asked the driver if these dogs were stolen and the driver refused to talk. The witness obtained the vehicle license number and the driver’s photo.
Please don’t look away. If you lost your dog in Jeju, know this vehicle or the whereabouts of these dogs, please contact us with information.
한 아이라도 꼭 살리고 싶습니다. 카라 사무국 02.3482.0999로 제보주세요.
We want to save even one dog. Call KARA office with information at 02.3482.0999.
We want to save even one dog. Call KARA office with information at 02.3482.0999.

Friday, July 13, 2012
The WWII Veteran who made this video is very, very ill. He had always hoped that his effort on behalf of PETS FOR PATRIOTS would be seen by many, many more folks than are represented as of today's date. PLEASE watch this lovely, sensitive little movie. Not only will you fall in love with the old gentleman and his dog, you will make someone who served our country very happy. PLEASE SHARE on your blogs and pass the word around far and wide. Thank you so much in advance.

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